Saturday, January 12, 2008

Sustainable Agriculture Research Centre in Punjab


Khetivirasat has established a research and demostration farm at Nabha in 5 acre of land at which different types of technologies demostrated and trials of different composting and biopesticides are bieng carried out.
This centre is also a training cente where training is given to farmers of punjab

Friday, January 11, 2008

World Environment Day ,2007

Khetivirasat observe world wetland day at village Lubana Teku in Nabha by doing " Kar Sewa "
a cleaniness drive as a part of its activities to conserve our natuaral resources.SDM Nabha Mr. Sekhon and Major TS Mankoo with khetivirasat chairman Inderjit singh,Director Surinder Singh along with sarpanch S. Ram singh and villagers.Lubana Teku wetland is the most neglated natural wetland adopted by khetivirasat to conserve it.

Environmental Health Status in Punjab

Dear Sir ,
we want to introduce a group of young professional of punjab working on sustainalbe agriculture and environmental health in punjab.Its our organisation who first ever raise the issue of cancer and farmers suicide in punjab in year 2000.After the reports of khetivirasat in media the then state govt. mark a inquari ,the PGIMR , chandigarh done a study with the support of punjab pollution control board in Bathinda distt.Before this khetivirasat has done a scientific comparitive study of pesticides on physical and mental growth of children.But apart from cancer khetivirasat noticed so many other health problems like reproductive problems, early aging and greying of hair in young age.In its finding PGIMR also blame that indiscriminate use of pesticides particularly in cotton beld is one of the reason along with other environmental factors are cause of high incidence of cancer cases.
The people of punjab are paying a very high cost of green revolution
This is the time for every punjabi to rethink over our path adopted particular in agriculture for development of punjab.Our so many farmers committed suicide due failure of agriculture system.We have almost lost our ecology , natural resources and biodivercity of punjab.
Surinder singh And All Team Of KhetiVirasat