Thursday, June 5, 2008

DNA damage in Punjab farmers due to pesticides- A study by Punjabi university

Following research presents the abstarct of the study conducted on the farmers of Punjab by a research scholar of Punajbi University on the effect of various pesticides used on the DNA of the farmers. The present study has been conducted with a view to investigate the potential genetic hazards associated with occupational exposure to various pesticides in selected districts of Punjab.The study was carried out on 210 occupationally exposed workers and revealed DNA damage in 35.71% cases. In case of control subjects, DNA damage was detected in 8%cases only .
RAMINDERJEET KAUR, Department of Human Biology, Punjabi University, Patiala
Key Words: Pesticides, Comet Assay, Genetic Damage, Agriculture workers, Comet tail length.
Pesticides are unavoidable in agriculture as they are useful in enhancing crop productivity. Despite the beneficial affects associated with their use, many of them form a potential hazard to human and mother nature. The present study has been conducted with a view to investigate the potential genetic hazards associated with occupational exposure to various pesticides in selected districts of Punjab. In order to determine possible genotoxic effects in agricultural workers, blood samples were taken from 210 workers divided into three groups i.e. group A (orchard sprayers), group B (vegetable sprayers) and group C (wheat, paddy, cotton etc. sprayers) one day after spraying during intense spraying activity. Seventy samples for each group A, B and C and fifty samples for a control group of normal healthy age matched individuals were taken. Twenty cases each from group A, B and C were selected for a follow up study amongst those workers who showed DNA damage. Second sampling of follow up cases was done during a period of null or minimum spraying 5-6 months after first sampling. Genetic damage was assessed using alkaline single cell gel electrophoresis assay. One hundred cells were examined for each individual and measurements were recorded with the help of ocular micrometer. Two comet parameters viz. head diameter and tail length were measured in micrometers (µm) and a third one i.e. T/N index was derived from these parameters. A fourth parameter i.e. the frequency of cells showing migration was calculated by scoring damaged cells and total cells on the slide. Highly significant increase in genetic damage was observed in exposed group compared to control. Workers of all the three exposed groups showed interindividual as well as intra-individual variations in four comet parameters while control group subjects showed quite homogenous results. The frequency of genetic damage was significantly reduced in the follow up cases of all the three groups. Duration of exposure did not significantly influence the level of DNA damage in three exposed groups as no correlation between genetic damage and duration of exposure was found. Herbicides were found to show more deleterious effect in comparison to other classes of pesticides. No significant increase in genetic damage was seen with the increase in age of the workers. No correlation was observed between smoking and genetic damage in the three groups. Non-vegetarians and alcoholics showed slightly higher incidence of genetic damage than vegetarians and non-alcoholics but the differences were non-significant. With respect to the use of protective clothing and devices, individuals exhibited lower values of comet parameters than those who did not take any safety measure, but the differences were statistically non-significant .

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